WTF Japan?!? – Lolicon

LOLI_BEACH_PARTY_motivator_by_purpletigerFinally we get to the WTF Japan?!? edition involving lolicon. I must admit that I’ve been procrastinating from writing this one because for me (and I would hope most people) it’s a pretty disturbing subject and it’s bound to get my blood boiling. But I’ve committed myself to this topic and it’s actually one of the main reasons I started this blog in the first place, as a place to express my thoughts on this subject matter, so as angry as it may make me, it’s something that I need to do.

One thing I’ve noticed over the past year is that my WTF Japan?!? blog posts, the one on traps in particular, have consistently been among my most popular articles. While I’m flattered by this because these are perhaps the ones I spend the most time researching and that I hold the strongest opinions on, I also worry that the reasons people are visiting these posts aren’t because they necessarily agree with them or are interested in my viewpoint, but rather were lured there for the exact reasons I’ve been ranting about. In many ways, it actually proves my point tenfold. And given that trend, I wouldn’t be surprised if this particular post becomes my most frequently visited article for all the wrong reasons. I’m not sure how to feel about that. On second thought, I’m pretty sure I know exactly how to feel about that.

That having been said, while the trap and incest columns may have shown me to be somewhat tolerant of those tropes, be prepared to find absolutely no quarter this time around. And for the record, I will not be linking to very many resources or providing specific examples given the nature of the topic, 1) because I don’t want to see it myself (feel free to look for yourself – it won’t be very difficult), and 2) I’m certain the FBI is already monitoring me just based on my Google searches and the few sites I did visit in order to research this topic.

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